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Re: uid/gid - comments?

Le Tue, Aug 31, 1999 at 03:03:50PM +0200, Jozef Hitzinger écrivait:
> Sorry to repeat the question,

No problem, but you could try to do something realistic and logical.

> What should the package do, when it uses dynamic system ids (recognized by
> name, not numeric value) and encounters a system, where the designed name
> is already used by someone else?

On the initial install you check if the ups account does already exist.
You check its uid : if < 1000 then it's a system uid, you can probably use
it for your package. If > 1000 then you complain loudly and make the
installation fail. Give an explanation on stdout (and in README.Debian).

Was it that difficult to find ? If you're not happy with the possible 
fail, then you will have to patch the program. Instead of having an
harcoded name you use ups as a default name but you make it 
configurable (command line options or config file). And in your
script you first try ups and then ups2 (if ups was already taken) and
so on. When you've found your name, you put it in the configuration file
and that's it ! You've solved your problem.

Raphaël Hertzog -=- http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/
<pub> CDs Debian : http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/debian/#cd </pub>

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