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Re: Packaging Manual vs. dpkg Programmers' Manual

>>"Ian" == Ian Jackson <ian@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:

 Ian> However, the erstwhile dpkg programmers' manual was exactly what it
 Ian> said: it was the documentation for dpkg and dselect.  It described how
 Ian> the programs worked and how they should be used, rather than how to
 Ian> produce a Debian package.

	Not quite. The version numbering chapter, for example, is
 required for anyone packaging for Debian, as are other part of the
 document. While they may have started life as documentation of the
 packaging system, I think now they are also, ummm, part of a
 contract, if you will, that is one obeys the documentation one shall
 have a Debian package at the end.

 Ian> When I have finished sorting out the code in dpkg and start
 Ian> considering new code, I will probably want to take the current
 Ian> Packaging Manual back into the dpkg package, and rename it back.

	You can certainly copy the document, and extend it as you see
 fit. However, I think that we do need a manual that documents how one
 packages Debian packages, and the current packaging manual is a good
 place to start. 

 Ian> When I do this I'll go through it and find all the parts that are not
 Ian> documentation for dpkg, dselect, or their file formats, and remove
 Ian> them into another file or document, so that they can be incorporated
 Ian> into other manuals such as the policy manual.

	Good. I was intending to do this, but suddenly my work load
 has increased a lot, so I may find this too much to undertake. I
 think that the interfaces should be considered policy -- we need to
 be able to have some stable set of commands and invocations that one
 uses in the rules file or otherwise in the process of creating a
 Debian package, and these should always remain policy. 

 Ian> At this stage, I'm giving people a heads-up about this plan.  Also, it
 Ian> seems likely that there might be some *ahem* discussion about it,
 Ian> which I'd like to get out of the way ...


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