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Re: New (?) /usr/share/doc

On Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 04:38:29AM -0400, James Mastros wrote:
> Disadvantages:
> Sombody has to write non-trivial (but not very non-trivial) code.

More accurately, someone has to add said (not very) non-trivial code
to dpkg.

This isn't something that regularly happens. I can't actually find
anything that looks like an actual feature added to the dpkg program
itself (the one actually in potato, not the one in Klee's homedir,
or experimental, or wherever) since '96. Changes to dpkg-source and
such, sure, but not dpkg itself.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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