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Re: query about /etc

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 06:45:04PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
>      Any configuration files created or used by your package should reside
>      in `/etc'. If there are several you should consider creating a
>      subdirectory named after your package.
> However, the FHS only says that host-specific configuration files
> (like fstab, network configuration, etc) need to live in /etc. In that
> case, why do we mandate that all configuration files live in /etc?

I'd assume by "host specific" the FHS means on a host-host basis. That is,
if two hosts running the same version of the same OS (but with different
admins with different views on how things Should Be Done, say) can reasonably
have different configs, then those configs are "host specific".

If every Debian installation should have the same values, though, then
sure, it should be in /usr/share.

> (Other trivia: although /usr/share allows us to share files among
> similar hosts, we don't really have a good way to use that advantage, do we?
> There's no way to tell dpkg that it doesn't need to install files in
> /usr/share because that's network mounted already.)

A "--dont-install-into=/usr" option has been ready Real Soon Now for the
past year and a half or so. :-/


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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                                 -- Andrew Over

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