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Bug#39299: PROPOSAL] permit/require use of bz2 for source packages

On Jun 10, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
> >>"Chris" == Chris Lawrence <cnlawren@olemiss.edu> writes:
>  Chris> (zcat upstream.orig.tar.gz | bzip2 > upstream.orig.tar.bz2)
>  Chris> or (if timestamps matter to you):
>  Chris> (gunzip upstream.orig.tar.gz; bzip2 upstream.orig.tar)
>         What idf detatched signatures matter to me? Or signed md5sums
>  from the author? 

If you don't screw with the timestamps and use default compression,
(gunzip x.gz; gzip x) is idempotent.  So would be:

(gunzip upstream.orig.tar.gz; bzip2 upstream.orig.tar)
[intervening operations]
(bunzip2 upstream.orig.tar.bz2; gzip upstream.orig.tar)

unless your upstream author did something really stupid (yep, I said
stupid) like add a compression level option.

As far as "pristineness" with the filenames goes, I'm not sure if I
follow your argument, which seems to indicate that we're not really
shipping "pristine" tar files (and thus it doesn't matter if we touch,
untar, recompress using zoo, randomly swap bytes...).  Or am I missing
a negative somewhere?

|         Chris Lawrence        |            Visit my home page!            |
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|    Grad Student, Pol. Sci.    |    Are you tired of politics as usual?    |
|   University of Mississippi   |             http://www.lp.org/            |

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