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Re: Debian runlevel policy?

On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 04:15:34PM -0800, Joseph Carter wrote:
> > Now then, if someone's xfs can't get started completely in the time it
> > takes xdm to cycle the X server four times, I suggest they add the locally
> > installed fonts (which will be there if they're running xfs anyway) to the
> > FontPath, remove the font server from the font path, or use a font server
> > on a remote host.
> Not an option in the case of xfstt.  X servers don't speak TTF yet
> (yet..)  But still, I think it's possible to add some delay or re-arrange
> things with the runlevels to fix this.

Uh, WHAT program exactly is dying so hard because it can't get TTF fonts
that it kills the X server?

As long as everyday, regular X fonts are available, the X server should be
able to start up fine.

> Actually it DID fix it on my box amazingly enough.  But then, my problem
> is just that my system is short on RAM and processor power (and disk
> space, video memory, etc, etc, etc)  =>

I won't say that people SHOULDN'T try tweaking the run levels on a
per-system basis, just that I don't think I can accomplish anything by
changing the defaults; systems are too different.

G. Branden Robinson              |    Damnit, we're all going to die; let's
Debian GNU/Linux                 |    die doing something *useful*!
branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |    -- Hal Clement, on comments that space
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |       exploration is dangerous

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