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{PROPOSAL} #7890: Policy manual contradicts itself about including docs


	I am going through the bug reports against debian-policy, and
 I propose handling them one by one. Starting with the oldest bug

	A recap:
The following paragraphs are somewhat contradictory:


1) If a package comes with large amounts of documentation which many
   users of the package will not require you should create a separate
   binary package to contain it, so that it does not take up disk space
   on the machines of users who do not need or want it installed.

2) If your package comes with extensive documentation in a markup format
   that can be converted to various other formats you should if possible
   ship HTML versions in the binary package, in the directory
   /usr/doc/package or its subdirectories.

	I propose changing the wording from
-   ship HTML versions in the binary package, in the directory
-   /usr/doc/package or its subdirectories.
+   ship HTML versions in a   binary package, under the directory
+   /usr/doc/<appropriate package>  or its subdirectories.

	This is in sync with what guy originally proposed, and I

	As Santiago said:
   [ In my opinion, it would be better to ship it in a different package,
   this way user is free to install or not install the documentation. The
   important thing here, I think, is that HTML docs should be "available",
   which is not exactly the same as "included in the binary package". ]

	I also further stated:
        I was not really suggesting replacing the info documentation
    (or the man pages, for that matter), I meant in addition to. The
    policy *does* say that HTML is our preferred format, so it should
    also be provided
	After an intial period of discussion, I shall retitle the bug
 into a wish list and retitle it to proposal, if I have no seconds --
 If I do get seconds, this shall go immediately to the [AMENDMENT]

 now seeking seconds
 Enough research will tend to confirm your conclusions. --anonymous
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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