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Re: /etc/adjtime, /etc/timezone, etc.

(thanks for answering :-)

On 4 Sep 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>  Santiago> Ok, I will answer myself :-) I have found a paragraph in
>  Santiago> the packaging manual providing the rationale for not making
>  Santiago> conffiles certain files. However, the given rationale is
>  Santiago> not enough when the conffile is always the same, so I have
>  Santiago> just submitted a bug against debian-policy asking for more
>  Santiago> rationale and/or a clarification. [ hope this is the right
>  Santiago> thing to do ].
> 	Is it possible then to handle the situation totally in the
>  postinst?

Of course it is possible. But the reason policy says some files should not
be conffiles is the following: "Doing this will lead to dpkg giving the
user confusing and possibly dangerous options for conffile update when the
package is upgraded.", which is completely false for conffiles that never
change (I mean: conffiles for which the package provided version is always
the same). Therefore, if we want to encourage the creation of certain
files in the postinst (as opposed to being them conffiles), we need a
better rationale (see my bug report, #26402).

> 	In general, one may have /usr/doc/<package>/conffile.example.gz;
>  and the postinst merely copies and unzips as needed.

[ Minor nitpick: No package should ever reference anything in /usr/doc.
  Use /usr/share/<package> instead ].

 "77a9331e1254319fddab90050369b582" (a truly random sig)

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