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Re: Bug#19129: sendmail: support PPP links --- use /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

srivasta@datasync.com (Manoj Srivastava)  wrote on 08.03.98 in <87zpj16lev.fsf@tiamat.datasync.com>:

> 	I run a caching only server. What does a bind reload every
>  couple of minutes do for me? Why am I doing this?

1. It does nothing bad that I can see. It does not seem to discard the  
cache, for example.

2. Why on earth would you connect every few minutes? Sounds seriously  
broken to me.

> 	How can one know all the configurations out there?

How is this relevant to anything?

> Why does a
>  script know more than a human?
> 	Is a one line change too  much for the maintainer?

What is the relevancy of this to reloading bind?

MfG Kai

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