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Re: essential packages and Pre-Depends


	[If this discussion is restricted to essential packages,
	please ignore this message. I am quite confused now]

>>"Santiago" == Santiago Vila <sanvila@unex.es> writes:

Santiago> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- On 18 Feb 1998, James
Santiago> Troup wrote:

>> If procps is installed and is in an unconfigured state or even an
>> usable state temporarily (e.g. it's libc6 and libc5 hasn't been
>> unpacked yet), dpkg is not going to die, and in fact I suspect the
>> vast majority of {{post,pre}{inst,rm}} scripts won't.

Santiago> But it may happen. Remember the Murphy law.

	Yes, but ... what is the minimal set that a pre and post depnd
 may use? Should there be a policy restricting this for essential
 packages? Failing any guidelines, it is easy to go too far and
 maximize pre-depends. (are we just talking essential packages here?
 in which case I withdraw my objection)

>> Even if they do, and even in the _exceedingly_ unlikely situation
>> that so many do die dpkg actually says "bugger it" and gives up,
>> the situation is not nice, but recoverable (simply install libc6 or
>> configure procps).

Santiago> So you are saying that "being able to arrive at a situation
Santiago> that is not nice" is *not* enough to use a Pre-Depends
Santiago> field?

	Umm, well, where do we draw the line? I think i'd agree for
 essential packages. But not for standard or optional packages.

Santiago> Are you saying that the (unknown, so far) harm caused by
Santiago> adding a Pre-Depends line is bigger than all those "not
Santiago> nice" situations you describe?

	Well, a predepends line shall cause a break in processing of
 packages to install if you use package ordering.  By itself
 pre-depends are not bad, but a large enough number may cause lots of
 breaks in install (are we trying to minimize predepends?). For the
 handfull of essential packages this is not too onerous.

Santiago> Could you explain in a few words which would be exactly, the
Santiago> harm caused by having Pre-Depends in all essential packages?

	I don't know. There may not be any. I think there are
 none. But I also think procps may well not be essential.

>> Thus even though procps is essential (IMHO it shouldn't be), if
>> it's unconfigured or even unusable, it's not going to make the
>> system FUBAR.

Santiago> So you think that Pre-Depends should be used only to avoid
Santiago> *completely* FUBAR states? What about half-FUBAR states?

Santiago> We should try to avoid *most* bad states, including those
Santiago> "not very nice" ones you refer. This is exactly why the
Santiago> package system was created.

	There has to be restraint. I am just wondering where we draw
 the line. We can't make all depends into pre-depends (except for
 essential packages)

Santiago> I wonder: Why do you want to make the bo -> hamm upgrade
Santiago> such an unpleasant experience?

Santiago> We are already using all essential packages in pre,post
Santiago> scripts without declaring a dependence. Why do you want all
Santiago> those pre,post scripts to fail? Yes, you may say "I don't
Santiago> want them to fail, just that it would not be too bad if it
Santiago> happens". The question would be then:

Santiago> Why don't you want to *avoid* them to fail?

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Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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