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Re: essential packages and Pre-Depends

	[moved to debian-policy]
>>"Santiago" == Santiago Vila <sanvila@unex.es> writes:

Santiago> If they are essential, they
Santiago> should work all the time, because they may be used in any
Santiago> prerm, postrm, preinst or postinst script. And all the time
Santiago> is *all* the time, not just between succesive runs of
Santiago> dpkg. Please, consider the following example:

Santiago> Package A depends on library C, package B uses A in the
Santiago> preinst script. A is essential. We issue the following
Santiago> command:

Santiago> dpkg -i A.deb B.deb C.deb

Santiago> Will B's preinst always work? I don't think so. This upgrade
Santiago> will be *much* safer by making A to Pre-Depend on C.

	I agree. How about moving this to the policy list for debate
 and inclusion? (then would come the bug filing phase)

>> It clearly states in policy that the use of Pre-Depends *must* be
>> discussed and consensus reached on debian.devel before being
>> used[1],

Santiago> I thought this was for ordinary packages, not for essential
Santiago> packages.

	The policy document makes no such statements.


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