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Re: Debian/Linux not recognizing Handspring Visor

Hi Don,

I hate to ask in case you tried it, but... are you pressing the button on
the cradle?  I don't use evolution/coldsync, I'm using jpilot/pilot-xfer,
but when my visor isn't in the cradle, or IS in the cradle but I don't
push the button on the cradle, I get this:

pilot-xfer -l

   Unable to bind to port /dev/pilot
   pi_bind: No such device

everything works if I press the button on the cradle and then immediately
(within a few seconds, I don't know what the timeout is) start the
pilot-xfer/jpilot/whatever sync.  (note: I linked /dev/pilot and
/dev/visor to /dev/ttyUSB1).

I can't do any testing right now, I left my visor at work on my desk. ;-)

good luck.

On 6 Jan 2002, Don Napier wrote:

> Yes, I have tried it on that port.  Thanks though.
> I am thinking that it is a hardware problem, which would be beyond the
> scope of this mailing list (I think.) Maybe the cradle is busted, my
> mobo is not liking the Handspring, or (*checking BOFH server*) /dev/clue
> was linked to /dev/null.
> When I hotsync, something should appear in /var/log/messages, but
> nothing happens.  So, I'm going to do some more testing.  I'll keep you
> kids informed.


Kevin Conover: kconover@optonline.net

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