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From the top so to speak...

OK, I must admit: I do not yet own a PalmPilot. There. I've said it. With
that in mind, it is not easy for me to use or develop linux-specific tools
to use the little thingy. 

I'd like to rectify this situation, so I'm going to get a PalmIII as soon
as they are available, and this finally brings me to my question: have any
on the list ordered one from the US, and in that case from where and how
did it go? In particular, are there resellers to wisely avoid?

On a related note, is this to be a debian specific list, or can general
Linux subjects pop up as occasion demands?

MvH Janne                  Mr. Janne More´n 
(jan.moren@fil.lu.se)      Kognitionsforskning
046-222 9758               Kungshuset, Lundagård 
046-211 4973               S-222 22 Lund, Sweden

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