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New mailing list debian-pilot created


we have created a new list debian-pilot@lists.debian.org.  This is not
for people who drive airplanes, but for the 3COM Pilot palmtop. GPL works
for it and there is some significant free software that can work with

Subscribtion / Unsubscription

  Our lists are served by Smartlist.  This results in a comfortable
  way for managing them.  If the subscription policy for the
  particular list is `open' everyone is able to subscribe/unsubscribe
  on their own.

  *NO* subscription or unsubscription messages should be sent to the
  lists address but only to a special control address which looks
  slightly different to the lists address.  To subscribe or
  unsubscribe to such a list, please send a mail to


  with the word `subscribe' or `unsubscribe' as subject.

  Please remember the -REQUEST inside of the name.

  If you need to contact a human listmaster, direct your mail to
  listmaster@debian.org or listmaster@va.debian.org .  These are two
  different machines in case one gets offline.  To find out which
  person is responsible for the lists, please take a look at
  http://www.debian.org/maintainer_contacts.html .



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                 Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only /
/          proved it correct, not tried it.  -- Donald E. Knuth /

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