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Re: Migration Alioth → Salsa imminent

-=| gregor herrmann, 23.02.2018 16:40:57 +0100 |=-
> The migration of our git repos from Alioth to Salsa will happen in a
> couple of hours. Moving the 3500 repos of the "active" packages will
> take around 6 hours and is supposed to be run in the (European) night
> from Friday to Saturday.

This task completed, with one stop at package #3164 
(libtk-histentry-perl) for unknown reason.

Total run time was just under six and a half hours, 3 464 packages 
were migrated.

All Git repositories on moszumanska have a pre-receive hook that 
refuses any pushes and all role's commit permissions are set to `Read 
only` in the fusion forge administrative panel to prevent creating new 

> If you don't have an account on Salsa yet, now is a good time to
> create one. People who have made at least one commit in the last year
> and who have a Salsa account have been added to the perl-team/modules
> group on Salsa, everyone else who's interested please write a short
> mail to debian-perl@lists.debian.org or ask on IRC (#debian-perl).

This still stands.

> For local clones, the "origin" remote's URL has to be updated.
> For the "special" repos this is:
>     git remote set-url origin git@salsa.debian.org:perl-team/scripts.git
>     git remote set-url origin git@salsa.debian.org:perl-team/modules/website.git
>     git remote set-url origin git@salsa.debian.org:perl-team/modules/meta.git
> For the packages this is a loop ...

ls * -d -1 | while read d; do [ -d "$d" ] || continue; \
(cd "$d" && git remote set-url origin \
"git@salsa.debian.org:perl-team/modules/packages/$d.git" ); done

> For those using the .mrconfig in meta.git: There will be an updated
> version available after more tests. This will need dpt-salsa from
> pkg-perl-tools, so please update pkg-perl-tools (and dh-make-perl) as
> soon as possible (uploads coming soonish).

Gregor uploaded pkg-perl-tools, dh-make-perl will follow.

Managing .mrconfig is still in the works.

Happy salsa dancing!
    -- dam

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