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Re: Alien::*

Hi gregor,

On 20-09-2016 12:22, gregor herrmann wrote:
The whole Alien::* namespace make me a bit unhappy. As I understand
it the purpose is to download and build "alien", i.e. non-CPAN,
software, and that's something we neither need nor want in Debian. --
I know that we already have some Alien::* pieces but I'd rather not
add more unless it's really necessary.

Yeah, I agree, the download and build process isn't needed on Debian.

I think Alien::* is usefull on Debian only to indicate dependencies from Perl modules to any external tool or library.

That's not necessary in Debian, and probably also won't happen due to
the dependencies you already added. If Alien::Autotools is a
dependency of something else you'd like to package, then I suggest to
check if it can be patched out there and replaced with proper

In that specific case, Alien::Autotools is a compilation dependency for SLOCCount, a tool that I'm wrapping around a new Perl module Alien::SLOCCount. I need SLOCCount because I'm working on a Perl project that depends that.

As for Alien::Base, I also hope we can avoid at :)

I see your point, maybe I was going the wrong way. See what I was thinking:

As upstream Perl developer, every time I need some external tool I can declare a dependency using Alien::* namespace. As a Debian pkg-perl developer packaging some peace of module I no need to interpret external tool dependency to declare it in debian/control manually. I declare dependencies in debian/control the same way the upstream do.

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