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Re: Membership ping 2016: results

On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 12:44:08 AM CEST Alex Muntada wrote:
> Is there an easy way to get a list of affected packages and
> uploaders that need to be removed? Checking them manually
> seems like a lot of boring work.

Once the list of uploader is known, it's possible to create a script that use 
cme (as command or as Perl function).

e.g, if you want to remove uploader foo, bar and baz, you can use the 
following line in a bash script

$ cme modify dpkg-control source Uploaders:-~/foo|bar|baz/

or a similar line in a Perl script (which should be faster):

 use Config::Model qw(cme);
 foreach my $package (@pkgs) {
 chdir ($package);
 cme('dpkg-control')->modify("source Uploaders:-~/foo|bar|baz/");


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