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Package requests (DBIx::XHTML_Table / GD::Thumbnail / MIME::Lite::TT::HTML)

Dear list,

I am writing you on behalf of the "SQL Ledger Network Association" which provides its own fork of the "SQL Ledger" accounting software called "SQL Ledger Network Edition". The software is licenced under the GPL V3.

We have written an installer script for Debian which makes use of CPAN and which can be downloaded from the following URL: http://www.sql-ledger-network.com/debian/install_ledger123

I have modified this script to make use of some Perl related packages for the Ubuntu 14.04 release but unfortunately not all of them are available yet. My script for Ubuntu can be found here:


As you can see from the script we make use of the following modules:

cpan DBIx::XHTML_Table - http://search.cpan.org/~jeffa/DBIx-XHTML_Table-1.36/XHTML_Table.pm cpan GD::Thumbnail - http://search.cpan.org/~lgoddard/Image-GD-Thumbnail-0.04/Thumbnail.pm cpan MIME::Lite::TT::HTML - http://search.cpan.org/~chunzi/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML-0.03/lib/MIME/Lite/TT/HTML.pm

I would love to see them in Ubuntu's universe repository and did my first try with the "DBIx::XHTML_Table" which (as far as I understand it) makes use of the DBI module. I used the following command:

dh-make-perl --build --cpan DBIx-XHTML_Table

But as far as I can see it, it doesn't resolve the DBI-dependency. Could you provide some advise building these packages or maybe do a package of these which would migrate into "universe"?

In return I am certainly willing to help out if you need any advise running "SQL Ledger" in your business.

Thanks for your help. Have a good day.

Kind regards,

Maik "tapwag" Wagner

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