debian-perl Apr 2014 by thread
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Re: Lemonldap-ng Xavier Guimard
Bug#745438: ITP: libeval-linenumbers-perl -- module to add line numbers to eval'ed heredoc blocks gregor herrmann
Bug#745569: ITP: libplack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect-perl -- Plack::Middleware which sets body for redirect response, if it's not already set Florian Schlichting
Bug#745572: ITP: libplack-middleware-methodoverride-perl -- Override REST methods to Plack apps via POST Florian Schlichting
Bug#745575: ITP: libplack-middleware-removeredundantbody-perl -- Plack::Middleware which sets removes body for HTTP response if it's not required Florian Schlichting
Bug#745772: ITP: libdigest-perl-md5-perl -- Perl Implementation of Rivest's MD5 algorithm Florian Schlichting
Bug#745773: ITP: libextutils-makemaker-cpanfile-perl -- cpanfile support for EUMM Florian Schlichting
Re: Bug#744398: why should debsums care about obsolete conffiles? Axel Beckert
Standard alternative to Encode::Locale ? Charles Plessy
The last update was on 22:41 GMT Sun Jun 02. There are 55 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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