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Re: please sponsor libmath-vector-real-perl

Hi Laszlo,

> I have prepared the package libmath-vector-real-perl in git at git://git.debian.org/pkg-perl/packages/libmath-vector-real-perl.git .

> Please have a look and sponsor this package for me and Shen.

other people seem to be busy, so I'll be the first to comment... A few

- DM-Upload-Allowed is not used in pkg-perl (and only ever added by or
  at the request of a sponsor, I believe). Instead, when the
  distribution in debian/changelog is set to 'unstable' from
  'UNRELEASED' (e.g. by 'dch -r'), the package will come up in the
  topmost section of http://pet.debian.net/pkg-perl/pet.cgi and
  someone(tm) with upload permission will have a look at it and upload
  the package or return it to UNRELEASED with TODO usually within 24
  hours. Details about changelog handling at

- you state that you're using dh compat level 7 "when Ubuntu Precise
  becomes LTS" -- this has happened, no? That said, keeping it at 7 for
  backporting purposes is ok.

- the official copyright-format 1.0 URL is:

- the license is "same as Perl", that includes GPL-1+ in addition to
  Artistic ("Artistic or GPL-1+")

- the short package description should be a noun phrase, as in
  /libath-vector-real-perl is a (.*)/

- README doesn't include any useful information for Debian users and
  thus should not be shipped in /usr/share/doc/

- I still get lintian errors, one of which is about a spelling error,
  which should be fixed by a patch and forwarded upstream
  (I run 'lintian -IE --pedantic --show-overrides --color auto')

Welcome to pkg-perl!


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