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Re: "Avoiding the vendor perl fad diet"

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Michael Alan Dorman
<mdorman@ironicdesign.com> wrote:
> I disagree.  I'm developing an application in Dancer *right now*, using
> the same strategy as always with no problems.  I simply do not see the
> need for perlbrew.
> On top of that, I maintain 25 servers---to have to deal with perlbrew on
> *all* of them, in order to keep things in sync, etc.  *That* would be a
> nightmare.
> Yes, I do occasionally have to build my own packages for things, but
> dh-make-perl makes doing that falling-down easy, uscan makes it easy to
> see when upgrades have come out, git-buildpackage makes tracking all of
> it simplicity in itself...
> I simply do not see the need.  On Debian, with the ecosystem it
> provides, and the tools that it provides to help you supplement when
> necessary...if you're using perlbrew, you're working too hard.


I'd appreciate a lot if you could provide a detailed step-by-step
explanation on what you  do and how you do that?

I think this would be extremely useful to people like myself, who
struggle between aptitude, local::lib and perlbrew.


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