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Re: "Avoiding the vendor perl fad diet"

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 11:19 PM, Cosimo Streppone wrote:

> Anyone has some better idea?

Sounds like you want some combination of backports.debian.org (and for
debian-perl to add more stuff there) and or adding testing (currently
wheezy) to your sources.list then adding some pinning to ensure most
packages stay on stable but if you install something from another
suite then you get those packages upgraded within that suite. Please
note that backports/wheezy are might be updated more often than you
are expecting and newer versions bring all sorts of changes that would
not be expected within Debian stable/oldstable, so you need to be
prepared for testing those updates before applying them.


An example configuration from one of my servers:

Package: *
Pin: release n=squeeze
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release n=squeeze-backports
Pin-Priority: 850

Package: *
Pin: release n=wheezy
Pin-Priority: 800

Package: *
Pin: release n=sid
Pin-Priority: 700

Package: *
Pin: release a=experimental
Pin-Priority: 600



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