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Re: "Avoiding the vendor perl fad diet"

Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com> writes:
> I'd appreciate a lot if you could provide a detailed step-by-step
> explanation on what you  do and how you do that?
> I think this would be extremely useful to people like myself, who
> struggle between aptitude, local::lib and perlbrew.

I would be happy to do a writeup of some sort, Gabor.  Not, perhaps, at
this very instant---I do actually have work I should be doing ;)---but
in the next week or two.

However, I could make it more useful if I could get some guidance from
you (and others) about what things you specifically find vexing about
going the aptitude route that leads you to look at local::lib or
perlbrew---otherwise I suspect that the things that others might be
fighting are things I figured out how to work with so long ago that I
don't remember them as obstacles.


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