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Precisions on the group packaging process


I have finished packaging the Math::Random::MT::Perl CPAN module, built it, tested that it works, and uploaded the files to the Debian Perl Group git repositories (http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-perl/packages/libmath-random-mt-perl-perl.git;a=summary). I have used the dh-make-perl utility and tried to follow the guide at http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/git.html but I would appreciate if someone more experienced than me could have a look at what I did to see that it is alright.

Also, I have been reading Debian documentation but there is still a point that is unclear to me. What happens after one uploads a new Perl module (with debian/* files) to the Debian Perl group repository. I am correct in assuming that it is later automatically built into a deb file and pushed to the Debian unstable repository? Or do I need to somehow indicate that the package is ready for public consumption?



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