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Re: Work needed to upgrade Padre to 0.92

Sorry for being late on this one because of $work and $life matters.

I like the pragmatic approach but here is what needs to be done.

Wx::Scintilla is basically the work of myself and the Great Mark Dootson. The build system is modular http://svn.perlide.org/padre/trunk/Wx-Scintilla/inc/Module/Build. We use Module::Build::Scintilla::build_scintilla() which in turn uses stc_build_scintilla_object() and then stc_link_scintilla_objects() to build embedded scintilla. Those methods are defined in each build environment child object (MSW.pm, MSWgcc.pm, OSX.pm and GTK.pm). Afterwards we create the Perl XS bindings.

The embedded scintilla source lies in http://svn.perlide.org/padre/trunk/Wx-Scintilla/wx-scintilla/src/scintilla. And yes, we have an experimental Perl 6 lexer and some minor modifications to scintilla that we try to send to Neil when stable. I also have plans to modify LexPerl.cxx (the Perl lexer) in Wx::Scintilla. Why did I embed Scintilla? Mainly I needed the ability to modify and use the latest scintilla patches in CPAN for older wxWidgets. The original scintilla structure and ours are a bit different. We mainly copy lexers/ folders in src/ and remove *.py and *.properties files.

So linking against a pristine scintilla wont do in this case.

I am happy to follow up and finish all Debian-related licensing work to make Wx::Scintilla a reality in the Debian ecosystem. Please advise what needs to be done.

Best regards,
Ahmad M. Zawawi

2011/12/17 Dominique Dumont <dod@debian.org>
Le Saturday 17 December 2011 11:01:51, Paul Wise a écrit :
> scintilla (upstream provides static lib, rejected shared lib
> http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=2488121)

Let's be pragmatic then: the only viable solution is to use Wx::Scintilla as
is and embed (again) scintilla.

Paul, thanks a lot for the heads up.

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