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Backtracking an error within Rose::DB::Object

Hello all,

I am trying to track down the exact deb-package release in
which an error in either Rose::DB or Rose::DB::Object was

The package Cache::Historical which I am packaging in 'pkg-perl'
displays four identical testing errors

  closing dbh with active statement handles at
              /usr/share/perl5/Rose/DB.pm line 842.

when I build my package in Lenny, where


are in use. My package requires Rose::DB::Object and DBD::SQLite
and according to its documentation im META.yml

   Rose::DB (>= 0.735)
   Rose::DB::Object::Loader (>= 0.764)

should be sufficient. This is clearly not the case with the
Debian packages for Lenny. However, with packages 


from the testing repository, the errors are no longer present.

I would really like to pinpoint the exact dependencies, should
it be possible.

Kind regards,
Mats Erik Andersson, fil. dr

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