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Re: libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk> wrote:

> If there are better ways to achieve the same without the need of unofficial
> patches then great: please go ahead and revert to use those instead then -
> but please also include some reference to that new method in the packaging -
> either in changelog or (preferrably) in README.Debian.

You can count with that.
> Please do not "upgrade" away from cdbs! It has been some time since I have
> shown the WikiConverter packages my love, but I still care for them and want
> to work with them - and I do that most effectively using cdbs.

I don't know if this is the best decision for pkg-perl team as a
group. There's a lot of people that don't work on some packages just
because they are on cdbs and the debian/rules on
libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl is not an exception with a highly
complicated structure for someone trying to work fast and accomplish
objectives which I believe is the way the team maintains it's dynamic
with a lot of packages and all being take care of as fast as possible
which complicated packages don't help.

I do strongly believe that's best using simple ways of packaging as
dh7 and that using CDBS is just adding extra complication in a package
relatively easy. Please reconsider your petition.

Regards and thanks for your quick answer.
Jose Luis Rivas. San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
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