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Re: Some explanations about dh_config_model_upgrade

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Dominique Dumont
<dominique.dumont@hp.com> wrote:

> Since dh_config_model_upgrade and the associated template is not easy to
> understand, I've written a README.debian file in libconfig-model-perl.
> Could you review this text (pasted below) and provide comments or suggestions?

Looks good to me.

I expect that there are many non-standard configuration formats in the
archive, it might be a good idea to point people at documentation on
how to write new configuration models (if such docs exist).

It would be a good idea to promote using Config::Model in other FOSS
distributions as well, I imagine at least Fedora and perhaps Gentoo
will be interested.

How does this integrate with debhelper 7 dh rules.tiny BTW? A snippet
of what to put in debian/rules for that would be nice. Same for CDBS,
that still gets used and preferred by some. I imagine Manoj will want
to use this too, so some sort of documentation for non-debhelper
packages would be useful too. I think you can ignore yada and any
other packaging systems.

I have to say, this is a bloody awesome idea and I would really
suggest that you present a talk about it at DebConf10. As an example,
seeing the debhelper 7 talk at DebConf9 really made me "see the light"
and I've switched to it for several packages since then. In the same
thread, I'd suggest presentations at the LCA 2010 Distributions
miniconf, UDS (Ubuntu), FUDCON (Fedora/RedHat) and any other
distribution related conferences you can think of. The LCA 2010
Distributions miniconf CFP is expired, but they recently sent an
announcement that some people had to pull out, so you may be able to
get a talk in, please contact Martin Krafft about it.



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