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Removal of Catalyst::Plugin::Dumper


Sorry for all the mails. I'm nominating this one for removal from
libcatalyst-modules-perl too.

1. It's deprecated upstream.
2. It has a bug upstream which prevents it from interoperating with
Catalyst::Log::Log4perl or Catalyst::Plugin::Log::Dispatch
3. A patch was provided in a bug report for #2, yet it wasn't
integrated: http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=26233
4. The last release was in 2008 (and just says it's deprecated "until
it can be reimplemented in a sane way")
5. It's missing copyright info
6. The version available on CPAN is an empty module.

Given especially #6, I'm planning on removing this tomorrow afternoon
if there is no objection.



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