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Re: Request to Hijack libdbd-sybase-perl

On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 04:07:22PM -0400, Jonathan Yu wrote:

> I admit I look like an asshole here. And I suppose I am not being too
> nice about this. I apologize to Steve if this looks like a personal
> attack, I admit that in some ways it was. because I was upset when I
> wrote this mail.

I am not concerned with personal attacks, only with your inappropriate
attitude regarding package hijacking.  Why should I bother myself with
whether you approve of my maintenance of the package, when you give no
evidence that you would do a better job of *maintaining* it (which is not
the same thing as being quicker at *uploading* it)?

> The way I see it, and I would hope Debian Developers (in general)
> agree that either a package should be appropriately maintained or
> orphaned.

Everything I've read so far indicates you would be a terrible arbiter of
"appropriate" maintenance.

> So, please, please tell me how to proceed from here. Do we continue
> keeping an outdated (and next to useless)

Bullshit.  The existing package works fine for a large number of use cases,
including those for which I originally packaged it.  It is not "next to
useless", whatever the bugs.

On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 11:54:32AM -0400, Jonathan Yu wrote:
> Here is the CHANGES file entries for DBD-Sybase 1.09 down to the
> current version, 1.00. There are various updates including fixes
> involving memory leaks; it might even close some of the many other
> outstanding bugs on the tracker (from over 6 years ago!)

IOW, you can't actually point to an issue *that affects you* with the
current version of the package, or you wouldn't have had to quote the
upstream changelog at me.  Do you even use the software?  What testing have
you done to ensure that the new version works correctly with the version of
FreeTDS in Debian?  This is a database client library, so there's no test
suite that we can run at build time - the test suite has to be run by the
maintainer before uploading the package.  Do you have access to a MS SQL
server where you can do this, and are you committed to doing this level of
QA before uploading?

That you haven't seen fit to address any of these points without my
prompting suggests its own answers.

So the only new information you've brought to the table is that you're eager
to take over the package without my consent.  That tells me that you have
bad manners, but it doesn't give me a reason to reprioritize
libdbd-sybase-perl in my todo list.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slangasek@ubuntu.com                                     vorlon@debian.org

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