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Speaking about debian-perl to conferences

Hello everyone,

      I have an opportunity to speak to an audience of perl hackers about how debian
incorporates CPAN modules into debian. There are people more qualified than I to give
this talk but I feel it is better that _someone_ gives it than if no one gives it so
I am going to go ahead and prepare a talk. The talk would be given at the Perl QA 
workshop in Oslo in the beginning of April.[0] 

      One of the sources from which I would like to directly plagiarize from is the
talk that Gunnar gave in September at YAPC::EU.[1] It is detailed and thourough, I doubt
I could go through the whole thing, but perhaps I could distill the talk into a shorter
version more appropriate for the workshop. 
     Are there other topics that people on this list feel is more suitable for a 
QA workshop? Gunnar, is it okay with you that I blantantly steal from your presentation?
Any changes I make I will run by the list first. I don't presume that I speak for debian
and I highly doubt anyone will confuse my presentation with any type of official policy,
but I do like to speak about debian whenever possible since I so strongly believe in 
its role as the leading free linux distribution.

    Best regards and I look forward to any feedback,


[0] http://tinyurl.com/2f86x8
[1] http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.devel/msg/67c9bf6699e5754d?

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