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Re: Control info fetching in DebianQA

-=| Martín Ferrari, Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 08:29:27AM -0200 |=-
> dh-make-perl: Create Debian packages from perl modules
>  - Problems: has_bugs
>  - Repository status: OK
> (...)
> Now somebody has to write the template modifications :)
> I was thinking in just making a "expand" button which would show a big
> box with all the available info (retrieved by other ajax-y script)

Seems like a job for me :)

Any ideas how to show the box? Note that we already have a "tooltip"
hooked to the package name for packages with "notes", for example

Here's an obvious proposal:

Package name gets a tooltip hooked, with the notes in the front:

| libcoy-perl                                 |
| +----------------------------------------+  |
| | 0.06 > 0.05                            |  |
| |                                        |  |
| | replace perl error messages with haiku |  |
| |                                        |  |
| |                                 <more> |  |
| +----------------------------------------+  |

When one clicks on <more>, it is replaced (by ajax technique) with
additional information:

| libcoy-perl                                 |
| +----------------------------------------+  |
| | 0.06 > 0.05                            |  |
| |                                        |  |
| | replace perl error messages with haiku |  |
| |                                        |  |
| | whatever additional information we have|  |
| +----------------------------------------+  |

What additional information is available?

dam            JabberID: dam@jabber.minus273.org

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