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Injecting to svn packages using CDBS


I would like to know if there's some problem with injecting packages
using CDBS in debian/rules. I checked the policies[0] and there's no
objection but as I saw a template for debian/rules[1] then I thought
there could be any problem on this

[0] http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/policy.html
[1] http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/rules-template-noxs

Jose Luis.

ghostbar on debian linux 'sid' 2.6.22 x86_64-SMP - #382503
Weblog: http://ghostbar.ath.cx/ - http://linuxtachira.org
http://debian.org.ve - irc.debian.org #debian-ve #debian-devel-es
San Cristóbal, Venezuela. http://chaslug.org.ve
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