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Re: watch files

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 20:04:43 -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> > (v?\d[\d_.]+)\.(?:tar(?:\.gz|\.bz2)?|tgz|zip|rar)
> umh... Sounds saner (I was about to suggest changing [[:digit:]].* to
> [\d_.]+   - I'm a bit unsure about requiring the first \d, would .01
> be a valid version? Or on requiring the version number to be two
> characters wide - 1 is a valid version as well...)

Do single-digit versions really exist?

Two things I noticed today
* There are modules with letters in the version string (0.42a and the
* We have at least one module with a dash in the upstream version  
> About the list of supported schemes, I'd just drop rar, as it is a
> very seldom used format, which requires a nonfree extractor most of
> the time. The free unrar supports only ancient versions AFAIK.

Sounds reasonable.
> And... Well, why are you using search.cpan.org instead of
> www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Module-Name ? It works, of course, but
> it's easier just to copy the string over to wget ;-)

search.cpan.org is much faster -- I'm sure Damyan can present his
research results :)

Thanks for your comments!

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