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Re: Subversion repository layout

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:12:04 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

> It sounds great to me provided that the svn-buildpackage support for the
> other layout is now all there.  There are still warnings in the man pages
> about it not being supported, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the man
> pages are just out of date?

That's the crucial question.

Looking in svn-inject's source code seems to indicate that "layout 2"
is already existing (despite the manpage denying it). [0]
svn-buildpackage's source looks not helpful for this question at a
short glance.

So I tried it:
* created a new empty repo in /tmp
* svn-inject -l 2 some.dsc file:///tmp/repo -> works
* cd $package, svn-buildpackage (well, actually a wrapper, but no
  other arguments than in the other case) -> works

svn ls file:///tmp/repo looks like expected, .svn/deb-layout in the
package directory looks like expected.

Some "real life experience" with this layout and the common tools
would be helpful but basically it seems to work.

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