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Re: Improved Subversion guide

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Hi, Julian,

Julian Mehnle wrote:
> I updated subversion.html to the latest revision to include the "--svn-tag"
> and "--svn-tag-only" hints.  I couldn't update subversion.pod in the htdocs
> dir, though (it's probably not needed there anyway).  It seems that its
> permissions are restricted to you only:

I am just another lurker in pkg-debian list with otherwise insufficient
free time to actually help. Anyway, I read your SVN guide and I have a
couple of comments. Most of these are just nitpicking, but anyway...
Please ignore any of them if you think they're irrelevant.

- - The document title is "NAME" - this is what my browser shows in its
caption and this is what is visible on
http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/ next to subversion.html
May be change it to something like "Debian Perl Group Subversion Guide"?

- - "This is a work in progress, please send comments..." is duplicated in
 INTRO and "The Tools"

- - "svn-inject" starts with "Like we said, svn-inject is used to
insert...". I can't find any mention of svn-inject before this paragraph
making me wonder if my eyes still can read :)

- - End of section 4.2: "If you sign the key, ..." No keys are signed,
files are :-) - .changes, .dsc

That's it. as you see, only minor things. Overall, the document is very
good. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

- --
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