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Debian Perl package maintenance on pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org?

   Hello folks,
I'm currently maintaining three official CPAN Perl packages[1] inside
Debian: They are in unstable and testing -- One[2] of this packages is
also available in stable.

   Till now I kept the Debian packaging code of this packages inside a
local CVS repository on my development machine where I've built them via

   Recently I've started a gradual migration from CVS to SVN, this
process will also implicate a replacement of cvs-buildpackage through

   Recently I've discovered the pkg-perl project on alioth[3] which
seems to be an optimal place for storing the SVN repositories of my
three Perl packages.

   So my actual question is: Is it possible to "host" Debian Perl
packages on pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org and maintain them in the relative
SVN repository without changing the maintainer-ship, of the packages, to
the Debian Perl Packaging Team?

   In poor words I would like to host the source code of my three Debian
Perl packages inside the pkg-perl SVN repository without loosing my
maintainer-ship on them -- As far as I've understood
pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org seems to be the right place for doing this.

   Or should I create new projects on alioth just for maintaining the
packages code in a public SVN repository?

   Thanks in advance for feedback.
Best regards,


P.S. I'm off-list, please Cc: me on each reply, thanks.

[1] libaudio-flac-perl, libaudio-flac-header-perl and libcvs-perl.
[2] libaudio-flac-perl
[3] http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org

   .''`.   Ivo Marino <eim@mentors.debian.net>
  : :' :   irc.FreeNode.net chan #debian-mentors
  `. ``    UIN 32463141 + JID eim@jabber.linux.it
    `-     Homepage http://mentors.debian.net/~eim/

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