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Re: Small pb to build Tk beta10 with debian's dh-make-perl (was: CPAN Upload: N/NI/NI-S/Tk-804.025_beta10.patch.gz)

Dominique Dumont <domi@komarr.grenoble.hp.com> writes:
>Nick Ing-Simmons <nick@ing-simmons.net> writes:
>> Pause <cpan-testers@perl.org> writes:
>>>The uploaded file
>>>    Tk-804.025_beta10.patch.gz
>>>has entered CPAN as
>> And the tar ball is on its way.
>There's small but annoying permission problem with some files:
>The tar ball contains:
>-r--r--r-- nick/users     4977 2003-12-10 10:37:05 Tk-804.025_beta10/pTk/tk.t
>After a perl Makefile.PL and make I get:
>$ ll pTk/tk.t 
>-r--r--r--    1 domi     domi         4977 Dec 10 10:37 pTk/tk.t
>It looks like this file is touched or re-generated by make although
>it's delivered with a read-only permission.
>It works file with the usual build method but it fail when I use
>dh-make-perl. (this tool enables me to build debian package from CPAN
>module, thus I can integrate red hot CPAN modules without wrecking the
>packaging system of my machine) :
>$ dh-make-perl --build
> <..>

Why does your make think that file is out-of-date?

>make[2]: Entering directory `/home/domi/freeware/Tk-804.025_beta10/pTk'
>/usr/bin/perl mkVFunc -t x tk.h
>Ignoring from tk.exc
>tk.h:22:  * For C++ compilers, use extern "C"
>'TK' in '#if defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)' at mkVFunc line 136, <H> line 63.
>'TK' in '#ifndef _TKPORT' at mkVFunc line 136, <H> line 86.
>'TK' in '#ifdef TK_USE_INPUT_METHODS' at mkVFunc line 136, <H> line 818.
>'TK' in '#if !defined(USE_TK_STUBS) && defined(USE_OLD_IMAGE)' at mkVFunc line 136, <H> line 1563.
>'TK' in '#ifndef USE_TK_STUBS' at mkVFunc line 136, <H> line 1696.
>'TK' in '#if !defined(USE_TK_STUBS) || !defined(USE_OLD_IMAGE)' at mkVFunc line 136, <H> line 1705.
>Cannot open tk.t:Permission denied at mkVFunc line 273.
>make[2]: *** [tk.t] Error 13
>make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/domi/freeware/Tk-804.025_beta10/pTk'
>make[1]: *** [pTk/libpTk.a] Error 2
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/domi/freeware/Tk-804.025_beta10'
>make: *** [build-stamp] Error 2
>Cannot create deb package
>The fix is trivial:
>$ chmod u+w pTk/*

It isn't trivial. The distribution is made by tar-ing my perforce work 
area, and perforce marks all controlled files as readonly.
I will give it some thought.

One fix might be to move the *.t building rules out of the public

>Then dh-make-perl works fine.
>So could you change the permission in your tarball so downstream
>integration gets easier ?

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