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Re: how to handle newer versions of the modules in perl-modules?

>>>>> "Ardo" == Ardo van Rangelrooij <ardo@debian.org> writes:
    Ardo> I don't see a reason why not.  From a source tarball one
    Ardo> could create a seperate binary package for each module and
    Ardo> have 'perl-modules' then depend on all of them.  From a
    Ardo> package bloat point of view this is not what we want to do,
    Ardo> but it is possible.

Why? That's a horrendous amount of pointless work for *no gain*.  I
suggest you go familiarise yourself with how perl (the distribution
not the language) works.  Upstream have gone to great lengths to avoid
exactly what you're proposing.

    Ardo> Ok, I'll look into that.

If you choose not to package Test::Harness yourself, I'm happy to do
it for you.  I already have quite a collection of perl packages; one
more is nothing.

    Ardo> One potential issue I see is that in the long run
    Ardo> 'perl-modules' gets a long 'Conflict/Provides/Replaces'
    Ardo> list.  But let's cross that bridge when it comes to that.

Again, no.  lib*-perl packages have *no reason* to interact with
perl-modules & vice versa.  There are no diversion, no alternatives
and no 'Conflicts/Repplaces/Depends' required.  It is even possible to
install modules locally, by hand yourself without fear or trepidation.
Read the perl policy & become enlightened (a hint: consider the output
of perl -V).

    Ardo> Another potential issue is that a newer version might break
    Ardo> the API of a particular module.

That is possible and the eaiest answer is packages that break in the
face of ABI changes adjust to the ABI change and 'Depend' on the
lib*-perl package because these ABI changes will, eventually, make
their way into perl-modules.  It will just take a new upstream


"If I claimed I was emporer just cause some moistened bint lobbed a
scimitar at me they'd put me away"

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