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Re: Howdy!

On Sun, Apr 23, 2000 at 02:22:20PM -0600, Bdale Garbee wrote:

> 	- We release binary-parisc as part of an official release.  I hope we
> 	  can hit this point in time for woody, but we'll see.

I am currently working on "debian-mips" and "debian-mipsel" (Big and
little endian mips) and i have a 715/60 Gecko machine - I would like
to help porting debian.  

I am not very deep in the parisc things right now and would like
to have a state on devel toolchain, cross compiling, glibc etc.
I am reading the puffingroup parisc lists which are very low
traffic and i mostly have the feeling that MANY people do work
but all for their own.

I did try some kernel+ramdisk image from puffingroup which boots
fine on that machine and stops somewhere in the kernel with
BUG() im ramdisk or something.

BTW: On mips/mipsel i am in the "last" state - In the iterativ process
     of going through build logs etc - So when we have current 
     gcc, binutils, glibc ports (Mips(el) uses glibc 2.0.6
     egcs 1.0.3a, binutils 2.8.1) which is out of my scope we will
     release with woody i hope.

Florian Lohoff		flo@rfc822.org		      	+49-subject-2-change
"Technology is a constant battle between manufacturers producing bigger and
more idiot-proof systems and nature producing bigger and better idiots."

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