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Google Season of Docs (GSoD) 2024 - Organization Application

On Sunday, 17 March 2024 at 3:26 AM, Abhijith PA <abhijith@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Felipe,
> Some of the outreach members had a discussion about possibility
> of doing Google Summer of Docs this year. Most are occupied with
> Outreachy and GSoC programs and not have enough bandwidth to do GSoD
> this year. We plan for next year though.
> In my understanding, GSoD is not exactly like GSoC. There is no
> mentor mentee like you mentioned. Accepted GSoD organizations will
> receive grants with which projects can hire professional technical
> writers or technical writing businesses[1] to write documentations, do
> doc audits and much more.
> --abhijith
> [1] -
> https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/tech-writer-selection

Hi abhijith

You're right. There are differences between GSoC and GSoD. In GSoD, the program pays the project to hire a technical writer. It's up to the project to choose the writer and supervise the work. I think the program is aimed at technical writers with some experience but not businesses. I didn't go through the details of each program's guidelines and instructions, but it seems GSoD has a more simplified processes. The project has more autonomy.

About the bandwidth of the Outreach Team, I understand it perfectly. No problem. I saw the Debian Wiki page for this year's GSoC projects and there were many proposals accepted.

In case the team change it's mind in time for this year, please let me know.

Anyway, I appreciate your attention.


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