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Re: Google Season of Docs (GSoD) 2024 - Organization Application

Hi Felipe,

On 17/03/24 05:02 AM, Felipe Maia wrote:
> Dear Outreach Team
> The program Google Season of Docs (GSoD) 2024 is open for applications by organizations. For those who don't know, it's like Google Summer of Code (GSoC), but for documentation instead of code. The objective is to "create, update or improve" documentation of FOSS projects [1]. The deadline is April 2, 2024, a little more than 2 weeks from now.
> Doing a fast check on the Debian wiki and mailing lists, I saw that the project applied at least once but wasn't accepted. People commented on the possibility of applying other years, but didn't go through.
> I would like to know if the Debian Project intends to apply for this year's GSoD. I would like to apply as a technical writer (mentored). I am a Debian contributor for a few years and aspire to became a Debian Developer.

Some of the outreach members had a discussion about possibility 
of doing Google Summer of Docs this year. Most are occupied with 
Outreachy and GSoC programs and not have enough bandwidth to do GSoD 
this year. We plan for next year though.

In my understanding, GSoD is _not_ exactly like GSoC. There is no 
mentor mentee like you mentioned. Accepted GSoD organizations will 
receive grants with which projects can hire professional technical 
writers or technical writing businesses[1] to write documentations, do 
doc audits and much more.   


[1] - 

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