dashohoxha@gmail.com, nilesh@debian.org, tille@debian.org, apo@debian.org, andrewsh@debian.org, eighthave@debian.org Cc: debian-outreach@lists.debian.orgBcc: Subject: Project Ideas - be sure your Ideas List has the required info Reply-To:
Hello ! Mentors who have submitted project/ideas for GSoC under Debian[1] and mentors who will be submitting soon. GSoC asked mentor organizations to include couple of required field in project submission template to ease their review process. We met everything except the project hour field, ie whether the project is a 175 hour (medium sized) or 350 hour (large project) which is part of their new change[2] in the program. Please edit your current submission and add this extra field. I will add this to the project submission template so this will be shown from new submissions. Thank you --abhijith [1]- https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2022/Projects [2]- https://opensource.googleblog.com/2021/11/expanding-google-summer-of-code-in-2022.html
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