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Just an introduction  I decided to join this list with the view of
trying to help promote initiatives such as Outreachy and GSoC in
Torbay,  Devon, United Kingdom but also try and spread the word on
FLOSS, and Debian / Linux generally. 

I am currently running code club, but I am also involved in the South
Devon Tech Jam which should hopefully provide a place for techies to
meet up, share projects etc,  so could be a good opportunity for
advocacy at least, or somewhere for Debian (or other distro) hackers (I
use that in the original sense) to meet up, perhaps have bug squishing
parties in the far future

I am also documentation lead for ToriOS which is a Debian derived OS,
based on Debian 9,  as Debian still supports older systems.

I am happy to add articles to my blog (http://www.zleap.net),  and
re-tweet from @zleap2018.

I feel there is a lot of potential in Torbay for people to get involved,
build new skills within free software. By my own admission I am
struggling to reach out as many of the groups working with people. 

So while we have groups working with, for example Young People and older
People (50+)  they are not technical, so while we are able to use terms
such as 'Programming' freely many people don't understand this. 
Frustratingly I think that their client groups probably do understand

Hope this helps and thank you for your time.


Paul Sutton

Paul Sutton
gnupg : 7D6D B682 F351 8D08 1893  1E16 F086 5537 D066 302D

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