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GSoC weekly report of Harshit Joshi for week 12

As I mentioned in my last week's report, I have completed my project and have discussed it with my mentor (Manuel Riel).
- This week I released a stable executable for three OS[1]:
   - Linux (Tested on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint)
   - Windows
   - MacOS
- I have as updated README.rst and fixed a small bug with pypi package

This week I started my sophomore year at my University, hence was pretty per-occupied.
Therefore, I had given much more time in previous weeks for any lose of work in this week.

I also shared the project with my friends and seniors at my university and helped them with making the template for invoice2data.

[0]: https://github.com/invoice-x/invoicex-gui/
[1]: https://github.com/invoice-x/invoicex-gui/releases/tag/v0.1.0

Harshit Joshi
Sophomore - B.Tech (Information Technology and Mathematical Innovations)
Cluster Innovation Centre
University of Delhi
Website: harshitjoshi.in

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