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GSoC weekly report of Georgios Pipilis for weeks 9 to 11

Hello everyone,

This is a collective update of all of the things done during the last
three weeks. I waited a bit before sending this email since all of the
updates focus on the same thing (adding support for Docker to the
proxy server/fixing the proxy server). So:

weeks 9-10:
- Making sure that an SSL certificate is properly created every time a
new proxy Docker container is created (using bash scripts).
- Create crontabs upon container creation in order to make sure our
connection with tor is stable. After a few days, and some testing,
this procedure was simplified w/ simpler and more efficient cronjobs.
- Changes to our bind9 setup in order to provide multiple, detailed
and separate logs. Also, a system for log rotation was used.
- Realised that dovecot, one of our crucial components, is missing
from new Docker containers. Thus, added it to the Dockerfiles,
automated its installation, setup and startup using custom scripts.
- Updated our cs-com scripts to PHP 7 in order to be in line with
Debian Stretch.

week 11:
- Found out some hardcoded IPs and domain names in our core
own-mailbox bash scripts and replaced them with variables
- Made security changes to our docker scripts in order to allow port
access to some of our scripts
- Added support for custom domains to postfix-smpt2tor-relay
- Tested different dovecot/postfix configurations
- Updated some old own-mailbox bash scripts (like add-dovecot-user) to
debian stretch (changed required packages etc)
- Added support for custom domains to add-dovecot-user and the dovecot
configuration in general
- Did the same to our cs-com package

Most of these updates have been pushed to our GitHub repositories [1]
(albeit in the testing branches) and some pull requests are currently

[1]: https://github.com/Own-Mailbox/

George Pipilis

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