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Q: Can we follow LibO upstream releases in stable (not backports repo)?


 LibreOffice upstream based on time-based release model(*) and always
 releases two versions for users, one is newest release and older one
 is more stable one.

 *) https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan

 It seems that is better to follow it in stable, IMHO.

 - Users are forced to use obsolete version if they don't have
   enough technical knowledge&skill. We can improve it, deliver
   more value to users.
 - Better reputation for Debian stable :)
 - 6.1.x is EOLed, so backporting security fix becomes more harder
   than based on 6.3.x

 - It introduces UI/feature changes into stable (but it's acceptable
   as well as firefox-esr, IMO).

 Is there any blocker for it?

Hideki Yamane <henrich@ iijmio-mail.jp / debian.org>

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