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Bug#812654: libreoffice-writer: if center a portion of text, all text its centered in rest of document!!!!

reopens 812654

> That's not how it works. Center in writer affects the _paragraph_. Anything else
> ("center a random part of a sentence" inside a block doesn't make sense. Where
> to center if it's inside a surrounding text?)
sorry due the languaje i write not property..

just where are the cursos, suppost that only that line will be
centered or the paragraph right?
well the centering are in all the document!

> No. This BTS is NOT for bpo-specific bugs. It doesn't know that versions and
> the version tracking gets confused. The package should redirect reports
> to debian-backports@lists.debian.org where they belong. Unless there is
> a bug there in that version.
well its not redirected! i'm not a debian-bug reporter expert!

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