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Bug#776950: Other files for more investigation

Dear Maintainer

I see that valgrind don't need libreoffice-dbg.

I make other valgrind investigation on my wheezy with java 6 and java 7 and the same "registrymodifications.xcu": valgrind --tool=memcheck --num-callers=50 --trace-children=yes ./soffice.bin 2>&1 | tee /tmp/valgrind.log
(valgrind say --num-callers must be in 1 and 50 on wheezy)

I tried to clear the list of libreoffice recently used documents, but this not solved problem.

PS :

1) Most of the time, close libreoffice (with the cross) create an hs_err_pidXXXX.log on my ~/ 2) Just once, on wheezy, a restoration of a document crash each time libreoffice, delete "registrymodifications.xcu" have solved the problem.

Goodbye Maintainer

I join files for more investigation.

Thank you.

Attachment: files_information.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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