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Bug#776950: More informations about the crash

Dear Maintainer,

I try to install libreoffice-dbg on my wheezy, but it was to big for my /usr.
I reproduce it on a jessie with the same "registrymodifications.xcu".

I do:
cd /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/
valgrind --tool=memcheck --num-callers=128 --trace-children=yes ./soffice.bin 2>&1 | tee /tmp/valgrind.log

I join the valgrind.log.

*** More informations about the crash conditions ***
I open my document with the mouse, i go to "Tools","Macros","Organize macros", "LibreOffice Basic..." After i go to a macro of my document in the Widows "Macros LibreOffice Basic", i press "Edit" and LibreOffice crash.

But if i go to "My Macros and dialog box","Standard","Module1" (a blanc module) in the Widows "Macros LibreOffice Basic", if i i press "Edit", LibreOffice is not crash. And after i can go directly with the mousse in the a macro of my document, LibreOffice is not crash.

Goodby Maintainer.

Attachment: valgrind.log.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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